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What is the Alexander Technique?

The Technique is a way to recognise and then prevent unnecessary tension in all activities of life. Most people are unaware of habits they have developed in the way they use their minds and bodies - however we do notice the effects of these habits: shortness of breath, tight shoulders, painful lower back, permanent tiredness...


We can all learn to undo these habits using the Alexander Technique. Most people taking lessons report greater freedom of movement, ease and balance in everyday activities, and a general sense of vitality and wellbeing.

What happens in a lesson?

With the help of an Alexander Technique teacher we can learn to stop and discover what we are doing to ourselves. The Alexander Technique is taught by teachers who have completed a recognised 3 year full time training course.


Lessons usually begin by the teacher looking at everyday actions such as sitting and standing. The teacher may also use lying down work on a padded table. The principles of the technique are simple, but they can take a while to master as we are working against habit which can be very tenacious! 


Lessons are taught from my work room in Wimbledon, SW London. They are taught fully clothed - please wear loose comfortable clothing.

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Want to know more?

I have a sister website dedicated entirely to the Alexander Technique at Head over there to find out all about this life-changing bodywork. I'm a member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT)

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